School » Attendance


Procedural Guidelines for Attendance:

The following procedures shall govern students who have been absent from school or classes in the Spring Cove Elementary Schools:

1. Excuses - A student who is absent must present an excuse to the office upon returning to school. The excuse should have the student name and parent’s signature on it, a phone number where the parent can be reached, and the reason for the absence clearly stated and the student’s first and last name. Any student absence that required medical attention should have an attached medical note or doctor’s excuse from the medical professional who saw the student in their office. All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days (including medical excused absences, educational trip days, and parental excuses) shall require an excuse from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts.

2. Any student who fails to return an excuse within three (3) days of any absence will be recorded as unlawful for the absent day(s).

3. Three (3) or more days of continuous absences due to illness shall require a doctor’s statement of illness.

4. Medical/Dental Appointments - Students are encouraged to schedule medical/dental appointments outside of the school day when feasible. Students should not expect to be excused for a full day for an appointment during school hours unless necessary due to travel time or by doctor order.

5. Educational Tours and Trips - Upon receipt of a written request from the parents of the pupils involved and prior approval by the Principal, students may be excused from school attendance to participate in an educational tour or trip and the absence will be considered excused. The request must be acquired prior to the trip or all days will be considered unlawful. The tour or trip must be adult supervised, either by parents or adults approved by the school district. The Principal will then make a decision guided by limits established by the Superintendent. Trip permission will be based on academic and attendance records of the student. Trips are to be limited to no more than ten (10) school days and will not be approved during scheduled PSSA testing dates. No more than one trip approval will be granted to any student per school year, unless approved by the Superintendent. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any schoolwork missed during that time.

6. Unexcused Tardies - Tardy minutes will accumulate and unexcused minutes will be converted to an unlawful day once the lost minutes total the length of an instructional day.

7. SAIP (School Attendance Improvement Plan) will be developed for students who are habitually truant from school to include parental conference. SAIPs may include referral to SAP (Student Assistance Program), referral to a community agency for support, and/or referral to Children & Youth Services.

8. Late Arrivals - Students who enter the building after 8:55 AM must report to the office for an entrance slip.

9. Early Dismissals - Dismissal is at 3:15 PM. Students leaving prior to 3:15 PM must be signed out in the office and the absence will be recorded as an early dismissal.